Sunday, November 16, 2014

Milanesa a la napolitana (breaded cow meat with mozzarella and ham on top)

The Uruguayans are known for their good soccer kills and love for meat. Well, here is a recipe that of course has meat and in every Uruguayan house is eaten at least once a week. We usually accompany the milanesa with potato salad, french fries or green salad. It's a really simple meal which can be done in 30 minutes and it can also be found in any Uruguayan restaurant.

2 veal cutlets (about 1/4 inch thick)
1 egg
1/2 cup of Italian style bread crumbs
1/2 cup of can tomato sauce
2 slices of ham
6 slices of mozzarella
dried oregano to taste
salt to taste
pepper to taste
Goya adobo all purpose seasoning (optional)
oregano to taste
1/4 cup corn oil

In a small bowl whisk the eggs for about 3 minutes. Heat the oil in a medium size frying pan to medium low. Season the meat with salt, pepper and Goya seasoning. Put half of the bread crumbs in a large plate and grab one the veal cutlets and soak it into the eggs (make sure the egg completely covers the meat). Then place the veal cutlets on top of the bread crumbs and add some more bread crumbs on top of the veal cutlets. Press the meat firmly into the crumbs until well covered from both sides.Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F for later use. When the oil is very hot place the meat in the frying pan until golden brown. In a large plate put at least three paper towels to place the milanesas there so the oil could be absorb. Add three drops of oil into a baking tray and place the milanesas there, then on top add the tomato sauce, ham, mozzarella and oregano. Put them into the oven for approximately 5 minutes or until the cheese begins to  melt.

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